Duke is a product for those who prefer to have a simple interface to note down their schedule. Duke is optimised for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface(CLI) while still having a basic GUI.
Adding a task to Duke.
Format : todo {description}
Format : deadline {description} /by {dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm}
Format : event {description} /at {dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm - hh:mm}
Show a list of all tasks added by user.
Format : list
Delete a task that is saved in Duke.
Format : delete {index of task}
Mark a task as done. Default value for task is undone.
Format : done {index of task}
Display all task that contained search term.
Format : fine {search term}
Exiting from the program and save added task to local file.
Format : bye
to receive a greeting from Duke.bye